It's a funny thing, coming home from your mission - for two whole years all you do is serve and help and teach about Jesus, then all of a sudden you go back to normal life, which in stark contrast feels selfish. It gives me anxiety. I think I need to volunteer at a boys and girls club.
But I've learned a lot in a year. I've learned that things are never as bad as they seem. I've learned that self-development is a self-motivated process. I've learned that a lot of good things don't last, but the most important things in life really do last forever. Also, the most important things demand enough sacrifice that you have to give until it hurts. And I've also learned that God takes care of His kids, no matter what. All you've got to do is ask.
Of course, having a wonderful life isn't done by living life alone. It's the people and relationships of every kind that make it special. I was cleaning out my room today and I found a letter from a dear friend named Sam. I just want to quote a bit of it:
" 'Truly loving another means letting go of all expectations. It means full acceptance, even celebration of another's personhood.' (Karen Casey) I hope I may live like this quote."So, to Sam and to everybody else, thanks for being a part of my life! You've made it worth living.