
the Dark Chocolate Principle - New Year's Resolution #1

Okay. So I went up to Salt Lake last weekend for band practice and also to see Melissa Millward's farewell talk - she's gonna be a missionary in Sao Paulo Brazil! I'm super excited for her.

Anyways, every time I return home from Salt Lake, my mom sends me with a huge bag of food. (I like to do my shopping at my house, I get up to 100% off) One thing she stuffed in the bag this time was a HUGE bar of Hershey's dark chocolate.

And I have a theory about dark chocolate. It's kind of like TV. Seriously. Hear me out.

I hope that dark chocolate is always around. I love it. I eat it on a fairly regular basis. If somebody asks me if I'd like some, I almost always say "yes." 30 seconds later, I'm helping myself to my 5th or 6th or 23rd piece and suddenly I realize, this tastes totally disgusting. I feel like my tongue is going numb from sheer overstimulation. And yet, for some reason I still eat another piece.

So, to draw the connection, sometimes I have hobbies and even some friends that are like dark chocolate - Hopefully this come out the way I mean it: I hope they are always part of my life, but taking them in smaller doses, and with less frequency, would greatly increase my appreciation for them, because I honestly think there are some people in this world that, if I saw them every day, would eventually drive me completely crazy. On the same token, watching too much TV gives me about the same feeling as eating an entire pound of dark chocolate: completely inescapable, utter lethargia, which must be surrendered to no matter the consequences.

So that's why I'm cutting back on TV. It's hard to imagine that my hardworking ancestors up in heaven can look down on my body, sloughed all over the couch and surrounded by potato-chip crumbs, and smilingly say "He's really doing a great job at life." So, I'm officially giving "TV" the dark chocolate label. I expect my underfed brain will thank me.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Spence! I love your blog and I love your thoughts! Yes, please come over and I'll more than willingly give you blogging lessons :D hahah k welp I hope you rocked it @ your show tonight! I'm sorry I couldn't make it :( Hope to see you soon!