

I love how at least ONE person comments on my blog nearly each time I post.  I'm glad you are reading them, folks.  I'm also glad you comment - I think it's healthy for us to make our voices heard, because it can make a difference in the world.  Each day, I commute from Salt Lake to Provo (and back, of course), and I spend a lot of that time listening to NPR.  Today, on the Diane Rehm show, a panel was talking about how the only people who write to congress are those who are either (a) told to do so by somebody else, and told what to say, or (b) radical in their views, and thus they tend to be more vocal.  The panel urged its listeners who were more in the middle of the road to give voice to their opinion!  I wonder how the nation would be different if the silent majority was a vocal one instead.


Dan and Liz said...

Hi cousin! FYI on your bucket list...Dan, Sam and I would LOVE, love to go boating anytime you'd want to invite us along. I promise we're nice :) Hope to see you at Ali's for the 24th party/bbq.

Aaron said...

That's some fancy new font you've got going on! I agree with your comment, as living in/near Washington DC I can see that the vocal ends of the political spectrum spouting off far too much compared to the moderate middles.

jenny and jake said...

amen to all of that. I like it when people comment. hint hint people

Gordy Evans said...

Just cause I don't comment doesn't mean I don't check your blog at least once a day ;) Heart you crave