
Just So You Know

I'm fully aware that I have been a very VERY crappy blog poster recently.  These might be considered the DARK AGES of my blog.  Pop Quiz:  What followed the Dark Ages?

a)  The Pitch Black Ages  (which we have no history of because nobody could see well enough to write)
b)  The Classical Era  (and thus my blog will soon become quite classy)
c)  The Mesozoic Era  (because you have not even an inkling of history
d)  The Renaissance (a rebirth of awesomeness!)
e)  The Modern Era  (obviously, since it came AFTER the Dark Ages)

Okay okay okay.  I'm sure you all know the answer.  (But if you got it wrong, leave a comment so I can publicly shame you)

What I'm trying to say is, my blog used to be really really awesome, and it will soon be really really awesome again.  But I don't have a camera, see, and so I don't have great motivation to do great posts because I cannot supplement my blog with sweet pictuers.

I am buying a camera soon (as in, within the next 6 months), and then, we will witness the RENAISSANCE of my blog!

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