
Just Wanted to Say...

You're a better person than you think you are. It's only you that holds yourself back.

So believe in yourself. You may not see it, but everybody loves you. People talk about you when you're not around, and they're saying good things.

You might fail at things - sometimes you might even fail at something you wanted more than anything you've ever wanted in your whole life - but it's just part of life. You are still a great person, and countless people look up to you, envy you, would trade places with you in a second.

So when your family life, school life, social life, or love life seem to be following Murphy's Law, don't give up hope. You are stronger than you think you are. It's all going to turn out just fine.

Somebody told me this last night, and I really needed to hear it. So pass it on.


kelseyosterman said...

Thanks Crave. :) It's good to hear things like this. Oh, and I don't know if you've heard it, but your blog banner pic reminds me of the song Hot Air Balloon by Owl City. :)

Gordy Evans said...

You are the Man! I just wish some of your man ness would rub off on me.

Unknown said...

thanks Crave. Sorry, but I imagined that you were saying that to me and that is exactly what I needed to hear right now too. :)

Unknown said...

P.S. you got that photo from paper tissue. i absolutely love that site. I didn't know you knew about it. I was going to use the same one for another post of mine.

Brittany said...

spencer craven, thanks for sharing. good timing.

Marc said...

Gordy's comment could be miscontstrued to sound really weird. But I love you both. this was a great post.