
And She Swears That She's Artsy...

I know I know, I should post more often.

If you love what I love, you'll love this.


Unknown said...

Oh my heck that was amazing!!! Where did you find that!! Wow, that's definitely my most favorite video ever!!

sara said...

very cool! i loved that!

Miss Megan said...

Today I discovered that not only do you have a blog, but you follow mine! What the devil?!

Not that YOU are the devil... never mind...

Love you man, and this video is fantastic!

Mariko Kay said...

Woah...thats a weird coincidence that I saw this, especially today. In my 3D class today, we just got assigned our new project and this video basically covers it. Way cool!!

Jessica said...

Wow. I loved that. Wish my blog was this cool!