
General Conference, Continued

Did you know (I feel like I am always starting sentences that way), that you can now WATCH the Priesthood Session of General Conference?  It's true.  Now, you wonderful ladies still cannot attend the session yourself, but the tech-savvy LDS Church has recorded and posted the talks online for you to watch!  Pretty neat, eh?

Anyways, just in case you didn't feel like waiting for the magazine to come out, you can watch them here!

Sweet, yeah?


Excuse me for waxing a little bit personal here, but I want to share my motivation for this post:  Compared to my usual near-perfect life, I've been going through some tough times recently.  I'm not really complaining, (in fact I feel like this is all largely a result of my own choices) so it's one of those times in life where you just gotta work through some stuff, and hope for the best -

Watching these conference talks has been really helpful to me, giving me that extra little boost when things feel especially tough.  If you need a little pick-me-up, I recommend you follow that link I posted (up there ^).  The talks don't fix your problems for you, but they give you a good idea of what to do.

That's one thing (among many) that I love about the Gospel of Jesus Christ - you get to earn your blessings.  That way you don't take them for granted.

Here's something I loved from Steven E. Snow's talk, Hope:

"We should never let hope be displaced by despair. The Apostle Paul wrote that we 'should plow in hope' (1 Corinthians 9:10). The exercise of hope enriches our lives and helps us look forward to the future. Whether we are plowing fields to plant or plowing through life, it is imperative we, as Latter-day Saints, have hope."

Plowing through life.  What a wonderful way to think about it - and after the plowing, and a little rain, comes the sunshine and the growth.  Life is hard work, but that's nothing new - the trick is to realize that your circumstances don't need to determine your happiness.  If you're sick of April showers, look to the future and you'll see May flowers just around the bend.


Dave said...

Thanks for the post, bro. Good way to start my morning. You are a stallion.

BFC said...

HERMANO - 'Much inspirational'
